Monday, May 08, 2006

wierd week

Last week seems sort of like a blur, well really the beginning of the week last week seems more like a month away than just a week. You'll recall last week started out rainy and gloomy. That weather - days in a row of dreariness really gets to me. I can definitely understand how Seasonal Affective Disorder can attack people. It was really hard to keep my eating in check during those gray days and also it was difficult to keep my mood up. It's so easy to want to crawl into a ball under the covers and only get up once the sun has returned. But unfortunately life doesn't work that way so I get up and trudge through.

Once the sun came out the week (and I) started feeling better. I got two walks in around Isles last week and time spent outside with friends and family this weekend. I had lots of sister time this weekend and it felt so good! I am truly blessed to have such remarkable women as my sisters. How did we get to be so awesome? I won't question it, just cherish it.

Yesterday I decided that I would spend the day for me, trying to stay present with myself. So instead of cleaning or yardwork I grabbed a good book and found a coffee shop where I could sit outside and read with a good cup of coffee (latte). I used to do that almost every Sunday when I lived in San Francisco. I had forgotten how I felt calm and at peace after taking time for myself. I miss that feeling. That Sunday afternoon coffeehouse trip in SF was a favorite part of my week. Back then I think I looked forward to it because it was my one weekly "splurge" as money was so tight then. But now I think, without realizing it, I looked forward to it mostly because I was present with myself and doing something relaxing and fulfilling that makes my soul happy.

I am a very busy person and as much as I think I'm living my life for me I do feel scattered and frustrated being so busy and I lose track of myself. It's much easier to focus on positive changes and a healthier lifestyle when I'm more present and centered. I believe it is essential to make more time for myself - my soul. In keeping with a "day for me" I also went to yoga last night. Two classes, one the intense workout, the other a "restoritive" class with deep relaxation. I made up a mantra while I was laying there breathing in and out..."I am open I am Open I am Open".


Anonymous said...

Well done - I think you speak for many of us with the weather so "glum" last week. Your "me time" is critical - life is so busy that often we pass right by our own need for time to do what we choose and not what others choose for us (how ever co-vert). As much as we prefer to feel good - feeling bad is OK, especially when you feel it and don't medicate yourself from those feelings - they do pass...
You are full of insight and I am proud you are who you are Jessica. May the sun and the "force" be with you this you - Mom

Anonymous said...

Jessica, you are doing so well. Thinking your moods through. Walking is such a pleasureable time. I would love to meet you at Isles someday for a walk. My favorite place to walk, more enjoyable with a companion. Now that I am not doing aerobics I find myself missing that time very much. Your weightloss is really amazing. What a wonderful job of thinking those temptations through. I am sure it takes alot of perserverance to keep on track. I am very proud of you.
Also glad that you girls all have each other and are good friends and support for each other. Love to you, darling. GM