Monday, May 15, 2006

binging lesson

This past weekend was tough. Well, I'd say it was only tough because I fed myself for emotional reasons not because my body was physically hungry. I'd say my eating behavior was pretty close to gorging but still not as out of control as it could have been. I was aware of what I was doing when I was feeding my "hunger" - that I was looking for instant gratification and stress relief. I knew what I was doing and continued on doing it anyway.

Normally after such an event I'd feel really bad about myself and then because I felt so bad I'd drown my sorrows again and binge binge binge. However this time, because I was present with what I was doing when it was going on, it seems different and I believe I've learned something through it. Last week was crazy busy for me. I worked extra hours and had evening commitments along with a weekend full of activities. I had virtually NO time for myself. I was unable to keep my head screwed on straight because I was so busy all week. This, I believe, is what lead to my binging this weekend. So I do feel bad about all the extra calories I consumed and my body is telling me today that it physically isn't happy with the food choices I made yesterday as my tummy is upset and I'm headachy. But I'm choosing to look at the lesson learned - I need to take more time for myself. It is essential to keep myself levelheaded and focussed so that I can make better choices for myself in keeping me healthy. I've known for years that I do much better at life when I have alone time for myself to get my head straightened out. I had zero time to do that last week so I've paid the price.

I'm back on track this morning. This week will be less hectic than last week and I will be able to build in some me-time. Thank goodness.

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